HTML semantic elements are tags that provide meaning to the web page structure, making the content more understandable both for web browsers and developers.
Benefits of Using Semantic Elements:
- Improved Accessibility: These elements describe the role or purpose of the enclosed content, improving both the accessibility and searchability of the web pages. Unlike generic tags like <div> or <span>.
- Better SEO: Search engines can understand and index content more effectively, improving the website's visibility in search results.
<article>: Used for self-contained content that can be independently distributed or reused, such as blog posts, news articles, or forum posts.
<aside>: Used for content that is tangentially related to the content around it. This can include sidebars, pull quotes, or advertisements.
<details> and <summary>: Used together to create a disclosure widget that users can open and close to reveal additional information.
<figure> and <figcaption>: Used to group media content like images, diagrams, or code snippets, along with their captions.
<footer>: Used for the footer of a section or page, typically containing information about the author, copyright, links to related documents, etc.
<header>: Used for introductory content, often containing navigation links, logos, or headings.
<main>: Represents the main content of the document. There should be only one <main> element per page, and it should exclude repeated content like sidebars, navigation links, etc.
<mark>: Used to highlight or mark text that is of special interest or relevance.
<nav>: Used for navigation links, containing a set of links to other parts of the site or different pages.
<section>: Represents a generic standalone section of content, typically with a heading. Sections can be used for chapters, headers, footers, or any other thematic grouping of content.
<time>: Represents a specific period in time. It can be used to encode dates and times in a machine-readable format.
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