Wednesday, June 12, 2024



  • History of HTML 

The first version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993.
Since then, there have been many different versions of HTML.
The most widely used version throughout the 2000's was HTML 4.01, which became an official standard in December 1999.

Type of contentHTML 1.2HTML 4.01HTML5Purpose
HeadingYesYesYesOrganize page content by adding headings and subheadings to the top of each section of the page
ParagraphYesYesYesIdentify paragraphs of text
AddressYesYesYesIdentify a block of text that contains contact information
AnchorYesYesYesLink to other web content
ListYesYesYesOrganize items into a list
ImageYesYesYesEmbed a photograph or drawing into a web page
TableNoYesYesOrganize data into rows and columns
StyleNoYesYesAdd CSS to control how objects on a web page are presented
ScriptNoYesYesAdd Javascript to make pages respond to user behaviors (more interactive)
AudioNoNoYesAdd audio to a web page with a single tag
VideoNoNoYesAdd video to a web page with a single tag
CanvasNoNoYesAdd an invisible drawing pad to a web page, on which you can add drawings (animations, games, and other interactive features) using Javascript


  • What are HTML Tags, Element and Attributes 

  • HTML Tag

The individual component of an element's syntax, enclosed in angle brackets (e.g., <p>, </p>).

Opening Tag: <tagname>
Closing Tag: </tagname>

Common Tags: Headings, Paragraph, Image, Link

  • HTML Attributes

HTML attributes provide additional information to elements (e.g., href="").

Example: <img src="image.jpg" alt="A beautiful scenery">

Common Attributes: href, src, alt, class, id

  • HTML Element

The complete structure consisting of an opening tag, content, and a closing tag.

Example of Elements: <h1>This is a heading</h1>

  • Self-Closing Tags

Some HTML tags are self-closing, meaning they don't need a closing tag. These are also considered elements.

Example of a Self-Closing Tag: <img src="image.jpg" alt="A beautiful scenery">

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