Tuesday, May 14, 2024

JavaScript Logical Operators

 Logical Operators in JavaScript
The following are the logical operators supported by JavaScript:

Operator    Name        Example
&&        Logical And    ( a< 5 && b>2)
||        Logical Or    (a<5 || b>2)
!        Not        (a!=5)

        /* Logical And Operator */
        var age = 18;
        if (age >= 18 && age <= 21) {
            document.write("Yes you are eligible.");

        /* Logical OR Operator */
        var a = 10;
        var b = 15;
        if (a >= 8 || b <= 15) {
            document.write("Yes you are eligible.");
        /* Logical Not Operator */
        var x = 30;

        console.log(!x >= 12);

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