Features of a Language are nothing but services/facilities provided by language developers in the Language which are used by language Programmers for developing real-time applications.
- 1) Simple and Easy to Learn
- 2) freeware and Opensource
- 3) Dynamically programming Language
- 4) Platform Independent Language
- 5) Portable
- 6) Interpreted Programming Language
- 7) High level programming language.
- 8) Procedural and Object Oriented
- 9) Robust
- 10) Extensible Programming Language
- 11) Embedded Programming Language
- 12) Support Third Party API
1) Simple and Easy to learn
- Python is a Simple Programming Language When we read Python Program, we can feel like reading english statement.
- Python language Provides rich set of modules or APIs.
- Python Programming provides in-built facility
- Called garbage Collector, which collects un-used memory space and improves the performance of Python based application.
- Defination of Garbage Collector : A Garbage Collector is one of the Software
Component in Python Software, which is running in the Background of regular Python program whose role is to collect /Remove un-used memory space.
Hence, Garbage Collector is taking care about "Automatic Memory management.
- Python provides developer friendly syntaxes So that we can develop error free
Programs in a limited span of time.
2) Freeware and Opensource
- We Can use python software without any license and it is freeware.
- Its Source Code is open, so that we can Customized based on Our requirement.
- The father of python G.V. Rossum developed CPYTHON
- This CPYTHON is Customised by many Companies Called "Python Distribution".
There are lots of Python Distribution
- Jython or Jpython - used for running Java based applications.
- Iron Python/IPython - used for running C#, .Net applications.
- Microfython - Used for developing microcontroller.
- Anaconda Python - Used for running bigdata/ Hadoop application.
- Ruby Python- used for running ruby based application.
- PyPy
- Stackless Python
Some Example Command :
> print("Hello World")
> print(calendar.month(2023,4))
> print(calendar.calendar(2023))
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